Group Locator
Life Groups: St. Andrew's ~ Mt. Pleasant
To view all small groups at St. Andrew’s Mt Pleasant, click the search button at the bottom of the page. You may refine your search by meeting day, gender, and age. To learn more about a listing for a Life Group, click on the spinner on the right to reveal the particulars about that group.
To let our Life Group coordinator know about your interest in the group, select the group using the radio button on the left and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. If you would like to learn more about multiple groups, you can simply name the additional groups in the Notes section of the form. From there, we’ll work on connecting the Life Group Leader and you in order to get you plugged into our community.
We are so glad you are looking to join in the community life of St. Andrew's! Have a look, and let us do the rest.
Can't find a group?
Contact Maddy Donaldson (MDonaldson@StAndrews.Church or 843.284.4346) if you can't find a group that might work for you.