St. Andrew's Church Mt. Pleasant

City Church Campus

You are now at the Life Group Locator page for St. Andrew's City Church, downtown Charleston. Here you can view a list of Life Groups that are associated with this campus. To view all groups without any preferences simply click the search button at the bottom of the page. You can also refine your search if you are looking for a particular day of the week, marital status (married, couples, singles, mixed, etc), or even location.
If you see a Life Group that you think might work for you, click the bubble for the group, fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and hit the request button. This action will email the Life Group coordinator and we will work to do the rest! If there is more than one Life Group that you see might work, mention that in the notes section of the form.
We are so glad you are looking to join in the community life of St. Andrew's! 


First Choice
Second Choice